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Today in 1979, 45 years ago: A Soviet bio-warfare laboratory at Sverdlovsk accidentally releases airborne anthrax spores, killing 66 plus an unknown amount of livestock.


For example some common .deb applications that have a demonized component ship systemd service files, so you have to figure out their replacement. Again just a little work, and not a big deal. It's normal in something like Slackware, but the bsd-style init is really simple there.

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I had to do the firmware dance initially, which Debian sorted out a little while ago, but that isn't a big deal. The experience did make me realize how widespread the systemdification of things has gone, which of course is one of the goals of the Devuan project - to avoid this.

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Tried Devuan for the first time on my testing box. Daedalus/12 is really decent, and very close to the 'normal' Debian experience. Very impressed. I'm surprised how much skill fade I've experienced with sysv scripts though; such is the enterprise penetration of systemd.

@Mitsu It's nicest when mixed with rain and damp clothes and seat smell 🤮

Jim boosted

If you really care about the #xz #liblzma backdoor, the IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) best source of information is the FAQ at which gets continuous updates and keeps track of the fallout and ongoing work.

However — do not read the comments on that gist, as a lot of not-so-well informed but very motivated people try to add their .02.

@jackofalltrades A politician will do absolutely fuck all about inflation. It's hllarious to think they'd even bother trying to campaign on it.

@josemanuel An interesting aside is the actor that plays the psychotic landlord is actually a really great bloke. Runs a lot of soccer things for city kids.

@josemanuel It's hard to watch at points, but Thewlis has never been better I think. The whole scene with the security guard is my favorite.

@waldoj There's a "the call is coming from inside the house" joke in there somewhere

Jim boosted

Open source software is a critical part of our national security infrastructure, but one that government is entirely neglecting. Federal agencies rely on OpenSSL, liblzma, etc. just as much as the private sector.

We need a division of federal government whose job isn’t to find and exploit security holes (like the NSA), but fix them. A sort of a national security agency, but that actually does…that.

@nytpu I believe that is absolutely intentional. It's too deliberate to be otherwise.

@nytpu It's getting hard for developers because it's in bloody everything.

@tulaksam My barman days are 30 years behind me but I would never, ever question someone's drink, particularly if it's non-alcoholic.

@HebrideanHecate I jest of course, but fuck him, and how on earth do you kill a teenager and walk after a decade or so? That's absolutely mental.

@nytpu I'm glad that at least XFCE have made a real effort to not do things like this.

@nytpu Slackware won't be happy. They ditched Gnome because of this shit.

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