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Not a cloud in the sky, the landscape still bleached by Winter.

Conventional wisdom, and indeed Arch, Slackware or anyone else just recommends running it as yourself.

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Somewhat frustrating: Ubuntu 18.04's default MPD install assumes a system-wide configuration, with attendant systemd service and socket activation files.

It doesn't work. MPD does not play nice with Pulseaudio if running as a different user. You'll tear your hair out trying to get it to work.

I'm not sure why they would distribute it like this. It's kind of dense.

...Also if you do experiment with firewalld, think really carefully about your Zones. It's really easy to have to start over because you can't duplicate subnet entries; this can be trickier than it sounds. Sure you can write rich rules but then you might as well stick with iptables.

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It's not a huge annoyance but one area of chaos in Linux that can show the 'too many cooks' problem is /etc conf entries. Debian/Ubuntu's for Mariadb is really quite confusing if you've been away from it for a while.

Google Chrome's daily cron job contains over 500 lines of code, what fresh hell is this

This is depressing reading. Not just the waste, but the mindless consumerism behind it.

People can buy what they like, but expect a little more of your choices. Apple have been taking the piss for years.

I have become convinced for the safety case. High energy head impacts have really been the last preventable thing in single-seaters.

Bikes are different. They seldom have to deal with flying wheels or rollovers.

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It's odd, I absolutely despised the 'Halo' bar when it first appeared, probably more than anything in the sport after about 25 years. Now I barely notice it. Aesthetics are a funny thing.

Not unlike the tax system, it is structured to be so difficult to interpret that beneficiaries of it have virtually unlimited latitude to game it.

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A fascinating and infuriating facet of medical billing in the US are the absolutely arcane statements. It is practically impossible to make any sense of them; you have no idea what it is you're paying for, or why.

My insurer (also my medical 'provider' 🤢 ) once sent me a bill labelled 'adjustment' for about $600. No explanation, no itemisation, just a demand for more money.

It's complete bollocks.

If debug output is only useful for developers, don't use that as the default logging level. For log hounds (most sysadmins, I would think) it is immensely frustrating having to wade through this shit to try and solve problems.

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Something of the 'Windows-ization' (for want of a better term, I admit) of big FOSS DE practices is this practice of spewing all sorts of shit into the system logs.

Gnome is a perpetual offender, with endless .js errors, but this is something that is definitely getting worse over time.

Of course I don't write down what I do, so I have to go through it all again next time...

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