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Really enjoying Obi-Wan. I wish they made them all like this.

Parasitic for-profit vendors only exist because of corporate paranoia about wanting a phone number to ring when 'something goes wrong', or more realistically, someone to blame and then try and sue.

So often when projects get monetised they become obsessed with 'features'. Everything is 'features' and shit you're told you need.

Jim boosted

@Xarph @sullybiker @theruran

Take a look at the work done by Open-Source-Ecology's Open Buildings Institute,

All of the designs are made to be compliant with the USA building codes. :D

Also dealing with fun shit like someone trying to upgrade their Oracle client (The only company that makes MS look sane) and discovering the uninstaller basically leaves most of the software (and Services!!) behind.

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The AD is out of our control, so you get bonkers things happening like the built-in admin account getting disabled via GPO, so you can't add yourself to the admin group on the server, and have to ask someone else to do it, FML

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The entire ecosystem is designed- by-committee bullshit. I swear it's intentionally arcane and complex to sell certs.

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But look at big tin for example, there is still no way - almost amazingly - to say "I would like this filesystem on that Raid Virtual disk thank you". You can't do it. It's not a use case. You can mount a volume on the filesystem but not anywhere useful.

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It does give you a lot of *Nix-like commands (which are aliased to various powershell cmdlets) but it's something, at least.

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Powershell is a step in the right direction but Microsoft never found something they couldn't fuck up. Take the security modules: There are *85* cmdlets. Its bonkers.

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Take remote administration for example; Windows is incredibly open by default and yet getting this to actually work is surprisingly annoying. Everything about it annoying.

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So much busy work to do because of proprietary nonsense, and the whole ecosystem feels like a giant cluttered mess.

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More responsibility at work has meant a lot more involvement with Windows, and while I'll do it because it's my job, holy shitballs do I dislike it.

Apple/Safari uses a password generator that is really good; it makes 20char passwords that have pseudo-words in them, making them easier to remember. I wish more things would do this.

You have to be careful with cp to a USB stick on a high memory machine, it'll perform the entire copy long before the I/O queue is written. I'm watching iostat on a copy that finished 5 minutes ago...

My Raspberry Pi (which I paid too much for, but they're cheap at twice the price...which they are) is finally set up taking over from my aging 2009 Mac Mini as a media server.The Mac had started to run very hot, the drive was in failure again (heat, natch) so it was time to go. I'm in love with these little ARM computers and want another one now.

Week from hell at work. Glad that''s over. Got to spend some time with some of my favourite PhDs so that was a bonus.

Can you hear it, fedi? That's the sound of the wekend.

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