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Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I keep thinking helicopters full of influencers are now going to land on my roof

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The last time I googled stuff about nftables syntax was before the Crypto craze.

Holy shit.

Jim boosted

Been following the Idaho murder case with interest and it is revealing how insane the media is when information is sparse (which it will be at least until the trial in Summer). pantyhaxx0r3369 makes a reddit post completely speculating, then gets quoted on a news network, which is then quoted in a magazine article. Suddenly some internet rando has become an authority on the case. It's bonkers.

Reddit is still violently stupid. I never fucking learn.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Some kind soul has uploaded a good copy of Mike Leigh's 'Naked' to YouTube. It's an amazing film, the first Leigh I saw and I think still his best.

Why do I have Bowie's 'Lets Dance' stuck in my head this morning fml

Whenever I see a Reddit post about "...Most underrated song/film/whatever_" Why is it people don't seem to understand what underrated means? It's rather like unpopupar opinion posts. "Guys I really don't like wasps" etc etc

This came up in my photo memories. I used to see this dog most mornings when I walked into work. He'd be out in the garden and always ran to the railings for pats.

Jim boosted

People usually ask me: “Don’t you ever get tired of being right all the time?” And the answer is: no, not really. At some point you just get used to it. Now I feel nothing.

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