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Yesterday evening, while waiting at a stop light to turn left, I was struck by a felon running from police. This is not a fun week. I am alright.

At the dealer for a warranty recall and inspection. The nationwide system outage is still ongoing. Apparently they attempted a restore but it got immediately compromised, which means they didn't fix the issue in testing or the threat actor was in for a while and their backdoor is in the backups.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

"The fact that the EU interior ministers want to exempt police officers, soldiers, intelligence officers and even themselves from chat control scanning proves that they know exactly just how unreliable and dangerous the snooping algorithms are that they want to unleash on us citizens."

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Jim boosted

talking with @b0rk earlier about the history of UDP led me to notice that TCP is substantially older than IP! TCP was originally developed in 1974 for use with ARPAnet (published as RFC 675 <>). The earliest version of what is now known as IP appears to have been developed starting in 1977, with earliest publication in IEN 2 <>.

Jim boosted

A serious heatwave in parts of Canada is still ongoing.

I'm just grateful it's not snowing. Shoveling in this heat would be brutal.

Endoscopy this morning. I always get a bit of a beating with anaesthesia and I slept for four hours when I got home. Of course now I can't bloody sleep. The dog is also snoring next to the bed and apparently dreaming of chasing something.

Power's out, and has been for over an hour. I've got a Ryobi power pack thing that takes the same batteries my mower and leaf blower use; it's been doing really well running telly and router.

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@simontatham @neijatolf

In social media, all ambiguity is resolved in favor of whatever interpretation is most malevolent.

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Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I'm a reporter looking to interview freelancers who have seen demand for their work go down -- or shift -- in the wake of ChatGPT and all the AI image generators.

This is for a story about how freelancers, specifically, have seen demand for their labor change as use of AI has spread.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Something popped on the scan. Hopefully nothing to worry about but I have to go back on Monday for more fun.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!