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This time last week I took a walk out on Las Vegas strip at 6am. I like cities at first light, there's always an interesting vibe. #photography 

Jim boosted
Why are we re-hashing the silliness again?

Mastodon was intended to be twitter like

Pleroma devs are very much anti-fascist

We have MORE THAN ONE server option for those joining the federverse (activity pub)

We have activity pub blog options (tumblr like even)

We have activity pub photography options (insagram like)

We have alternative UIs that speak "mastodon" (tweetdeck, single column, command line stylings)

We have dumpster fire instances

We have free speech instances

We have closed communities (invite only / not federated by default)

We have safe spaces (instances ; >1 of these)

We have art instances

We have photography instances

We have scholarly instances

We have general instances

We have big instances

We have small instances

We have assholes

We have compassionate healers


David O'Russell's 'Three KIngs' has become a historical curio, a Pre-9/11 heist movie set during Desert Storm. Fiction from a completely different world to now.

The message of the film is now completely redundant, so it's quite weird to watch again.

I've been trying to shake off a persistent low-grade cold for over a week. Cardio training today was quite difficult for my target heart rate, so i'm weaker than I should be.

I think I just hate winter.

Pocket, you were doing so well. Sponsored links about engagement rings are naff as fuck.

Jim boosted
Good News: a SpaceX Cargo Resupply is Off to the Space Station. Bad News: Failed Hydraulics in the Grid Fins Caused the First Stage Booster to Crash Into the Ocean #astronomy #news

Watched a bit of Charlie Brooker's 'Dead Set' again. It's aged very well and is still absolutely biting.

Downtown on a sunny Sunday afternoon, through my tinted sunglasses.

An interesting sign of Twitter's decline in usefulness is following event hashtags. Tech events in particular have become completely corrupted by the commercial bent of the algorithm, so it's impossible to find anything useful.

In much the same way Google's search on certain topics has become broken as there's so many bullshit links now.

Jim boosted

facebook, censorship, art history 

"Curator and art historian Ruben Cordova thought that Facebook was the perfect platform to archive the photographic materials equivalent to almost a decade’s worth of his research. [...] [On] November 16..., [Facebook] permanently disabled his account due to an alleged violation of community standards banning sexually explicit content. And with that, Cordova lost access to 9 years’ worth of aggregated resources and materials."

Shared from Lightroom mobile 

60F weather in December doesn't happen very often. And so out come the bikes.

Last evening in Vegas. It's grown on me, I will admit.

I went out at first light hoping for some pink sky, but it rained. Still got some half decent pics.

All edited in Darktable. A superb FOSS editor once you get the hang of it.

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A few photos from my time in Las Vegas so far. A Canon EOS 6D with A 50mm 1.8 and a 24-135mm (the basic one).

Once the people went into the giant Alexa, reunion commenced and they happily became one with the cloud. A slight burning smell was the only hint of the ceremony.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!