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I knew something was off when login took about 30 seconds because associated systemd events were failing each time. It had segfaulted and could not be restarted. You can't issue a 'shutdown -r now' because systemd controls that too. Nothing works but hitting the power button. It's ludicrous.

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SystemD is completely fucked on my Mac mini media server install. It's just destroyed itself and rendered the OS unusable.

Merry Christmas to all my fedi friends. Have a great day one and all.

Aw mate, 98-99 was entirely unexceptional, and MTV was in the shitter after the 80s.

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It is so weird looking at music video comments on YouTube. People are absolutely stuck in their time.

"They don't make music like this anymore" (1999 song)

"Back when MTV was GOOD" (2002 song)

It's fucking hilarious.

My eldest is sick and as he won't suffer in silence I've been ejected from bed so him and his brother can remain together. The things we do for family.

SolarWinds Orion got trojaned. Oh great.

"The SolarWinds vendor was breached resulting in the insertion of trojan code into the SolarWinds Orion Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5 and 2020.2 with no hotfix installed or 2020.2 HF 1. They were advised that this incident was likely the result of a highly sophisticated, targeted, and manual supply chain attack by an outside nation state, but we have not independently verified the identity of the attacker."

One of my all time favorite writers. Great til the end. Thanks for Esterhase, Karla, Seamus, and Smiley.

My kid's doing his remote school assignment and complained the 'dragon drop' wasn't working. Took me a moment to realise what he meant. I was sad for him no dragons were involved.

Jim boosted
"is that where you find your friends? 4chan?"
"no i'm not on 4chan"
"what website is it?"
"it's a federation of websites running software based on a common protocol"
"is it parler?"
"it's called the fediverse"
*she looks it up*
"everything i'm reading says they have a nazi problem"
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!