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Happy Friday all. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Jim boosted

It's amusing to me that if you choose 'Update and shutdown' AND the updates require reboots you'll still encounter the phenomenon of thinking that you chose 'restart' instead. It's logical behavior, and yet...

Jim boosted

In a difficult situation, my wife once told me: “People tell me I’m tough because they don’t see me cry but believe me, if I’d think it’d help, I’d throw myself to the floor and cry all day and night.” Most people only leave the house on their good days. It’s not easy to know how people are really doing. At the same time, telling people about a hardship sometimes reveals a dozen of people in similar situations. It’s weird. Like a whole underground of hardship beneath the veneer. If you’re not doing well, I hope your situation improves and that you can find the people you need to talk to. Because life can be hard.

Jim boosted

There's a lot of debate about the relative merits of remote work, but I will tell you this: People absolutely use it as a means to hide when they're needed.

Although my favorite part of this interaction was "can you use your admin account to fix it?"

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And again I lose a morning because some RA has chmod'd 777 on the root file system " get their web app to work" I don't even want to know

Saw this trundling along on my way into work. The horn at this distance really gives your ears a workout.

A "Why I'm sticking with open source (because corporate greed)"video probably doesn't need a 30 second intro for your sponsors. Sorry, but no.

Jim boosted

The news coverage of this supposed fight between two billionaires shows so many rotten things in tech and business, and the societal decay consumerism and the need to be entertained has caused. It's just pathetic.

Jim boosted

Someone gave us a towel with our cat's photo on it and now she sleeps exclusively on top of it like some sort of degenerate narcissist 1970s movie star.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Today in 2011, 12 years ago: the space shuttle Atlantis takes off from Cape Canaveral on its way to the International Space Station, this being the last mission of a shuttle.


One thing I miss about Twitter is where are all the hot girls that want to meet me, faving my toots

Jim boosted

The inside of a cheese grater looks like the backdrop to most music videos around 2000

I am convinced this happens because they're scared they'll be told they're full of shit, and the overbearing excuse is that engineers don't have the people skills to really speak to management.

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