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@feld Yeah I'm not sure if this improves things

@RoundSparrow Reddit is a toilet that is also on fire. Their CEO can choke on the cash. If people admin there they only have themselves to blame.

It's odd seeing all these headlines about federal advice to use encrypted messaging apps. They have been antsy about them for years, and now, because their back door into telcos got used to breach those telcos, which they were warned about for *years*'s just such a clown show.

I had been doing 30-35mins and once you're at the right intensity they're not difficult. An hour is very different though. 90mins on Saturdays!

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Stepped back up to the 60 minute interval sessions on the trainer. Want to shift some of this pandemic chonk and ride again in Spring. It feels good. Most of all when it's over...

Jim boosted

#Introduction Hi #fediverse ! We’re the European Southern Observatory, and we design, build and operate ground-based telescopes.

One of them is our Extremely Large Telescope, currently under construction in #Chile. It will have a 39 m mirror, and its rotating enclosure will weigh 6100 tonnes, or about 700 mastodons!

We’re looking forward to chatting with all of you about #astronomy

📷 ESO/G. Vecchia

#astrodon #astrophysics #space #science

I don't need a meeting to 'talk about it'. Talking about it does fuck all.

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I get frustrated with this attitude that scheduling a Zoom meet actually achieves something, especially in technical matters. If I ask for a network topology, I don't need to have a meeting about it, I already know what I want, just send me the fucking thing already.

Jim boosted

There's a post going around right now that is a long, thorough analysis of the failures of technology in the last decade, and its is very good.

It's full of zingers like "The average person’s experience with technology is one so aggressive and violative that I believe it leaves billions of people with a consistent low-grade trauma. We seem, as a society, capable of understanding that social media can hurt us, unsettle us, or make us feel crazed and angry, but I think it’s time to accept that the rest of the tech ecosystem undermines our wellbeing in an equally-insidious way. And most people don’t know it’s happening, because everybody has accepted deeply shitty conditions for the last ten years."


Fuck this guy

Klarna Stopped Hiring Because AI 'Can Already Do All the Jobs,' CEO Says - Business Insider

@GoatsLive I suddenly lost the ability to read print, it was quite insidious, the scar buildup was small but in exactly the right place to completely knacker refraction.

@GoatsLive Yes I had the same thing. The drop in acuity was precipitous. The laser was a big relief.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!