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MRI this morning. That was different. It is not easy to sit perfectly still for 45 minutes. I've no idea how they get kids through it.

True Detective 

So series 3 concludes. I liked it, overall.

Every series has begun hinting at some wide-ranging conspiracy, but the reveal is actually small and simple. It can feel anti-climactic but I have enjoyed them, even the messy series 2.

Fight for cornflakes and milk to be officially recognized as a soup I did not expect this to be as funny as it is.

Birdsite has gone really weird. There's now a very clear pattern of looking to get upset about something. Nobody cares about John Wayne. He's long dead. Ghostbusters 2016 was shit. It's not complicated.

Next. Not necessarily, but studies have shown there is a tendency to contract Arch-itis. Symptoms include: Telling everyone you run Arch, screenshots of your i3WM setup, and telling /r/ubuntu what losers they are.

Treatment is simple and involves stating the following: "You have demonstrated you can follow written instructions." That's oddly moving.

@fribbledom Like anything it has to be done well, you can have some sort of internal logic to it and the reader/viewer can get into that. It's how stories have worked for centuries.

I do agree with you though. For me the most egregious example was LOST. @phessler 'Artistically correct' sounds a lot better than 'by design', I think I will start using that.

"The restored backup has simply written a 1TB file full of zeros."

*The system administrator pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and looked at the IT manager*

"This artistically correct."


@phessler I've heard it's very easy to get into, but you never really know what's happening and sometimes it goes terribly wrong for no obvious reason Systemd erotica sounds equally terrifying and intriguing

I mean, obviously there is little risk of it exploding and irradiating half of Europe, but still. Omelettes and eggs and all that.

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Interesting reading about the solar farm at CHNPP; an interesting window into the challenges of renewables.

It is 1MW output; 0.001 of a single RBMK-1000 channel reactor, and that output is nowhere near stable. Is there some sort of scale

@janellecshane "I don't know why '...the steel in her hair' makes me laugh so much but by God it does.

Jim boosted

Spent some time playing with OpenAI's GPT-2 neural net, which, delightfully, writes fan fiction and generates very suspect science facts.

Saw an RX580 with my own eyes today. GPUs really have got comically huge. I mean, it's fucking massive.

Again a Ruby OOM and CPU runaway on my host. I absolutely cannot figure out what's causing it.

The school of art, 1yr ago today. It's that time of year when I'm really getting quite sick of the snow, as pretty as it is.

It's pissing down with rain today.

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