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The surge in new users globally has had an interesting affect on my storage admin. i have to clean up every other day now, instead of every five days.

An internet facing service should be disabled by default, imho.

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Minor annoyance I know but I wish the 'ssh' package on debian would not pull down the server binary *and* autostart it.

I just did that thing of napping and then waking up with no idea what time or day it is, so deep was my sleep.

What a beautiful day it turned into, from an utterly frigid morning.

The dog decided playtime this morning would be while I attempted to dress myself. Attempted because he kept stealing my shirt.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I've been threatening to make this since A. A. Milne's work entered the public domain earlier this year. Introducing "Leet Pooh"

Because I think it's hilarious, I've set up a redbubble shop so you can get this nonsense on anything you want.



Don't tell me they finally caved and introduced helpers

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@mntmn My Reform just arrived. I will take it to work tomorrow to get it all set up (it's too hectic at home).Absolutely lovely packaging. It all feels so special.

won't post images all of sudden. Checked the server, it seems to be client side.

Jim boosted

A reminder for fedi-vetarans 

For example, watch out for newish account posting frivolous comments about important issues. These are *not* intended to start a good faith discussion, but to signal allegiance to one tribe or another. So responding with anything other than enthusiastic agreement will result in being blocked or, much worse, dogpiled by their tribe. For the sake of your own mental health, please don't take the bait. I've always fallen for this once, so this reminder is for me too ☺️

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There's still a social contract at the Fediverse, you can't just go around being a wanker and demanding people be okay with it.

This is also true at Twitter, with a number of users hoping they'll be allowed to call people retards again.

I saw on Twitter one user saying they didn't want to leave because they had "...built a community here", but this, *this* is the great strength of the Fediverse. You can't be evicted from something you own.

So to be clear, small instances (many cooperatively) run trying to make a fairer and decentralised alternative is *shuffles deck* BAD

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There's a communist on Twitter (Okay, we're already in the toilet at this point) who is arguing Mastodon is bad because it's not state-owned, and what they should really do is take over Twitter.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!