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Mastodon now has over 10 million users! That is twice as many people as the population of Japan if only 5 million people lived in Japan. Incredible.

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In the 1930s, Listerine cigarettes were created. The tobacco was infused with the same antiseptic oils used in the mouthwash for a "cooling and soothing effect." Listerine cigarettes were evidently not very popular because there is almost no record of their existence.

#histodons #histodon #histmed #histsci #DYK #medhist #medmastodon

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This guy updated his LinkedIn profile with a prompt injection attack to catch lazy recruiters that are just having ChatGPT write a “personalized” introduction. His example he generated himself, but someone is going to be caught by this in the wild.

(tweet link)

Piastri the most impressive thing from qualifying. Sargeant showing he has a lot to learn.

Great anecdote from The Wire. Apologies for hellsite.

It still bums me out. You'd think I'd be used to it after all these years.

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One of my favourite CS post-grads left yesterday. They always leave at some point, I get so used to them being around.

@jerry One of your users got a shoutout in an article about an ICMP vuln I read this morning. I don't recall who because I am hungover, but glad to see your fedi instance get some love!

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Today in 2000, 23 years ago: Five hundred and thirty members of the Ugandan cult Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God die in a fire, considered to be a mass murder or suicide orchestrated by leaders of the cult. Elsewhere another 248 members are later found dead.


Jim boosted

Throwback to this banger from over a decade ago. Always makes me want to watch the things it clips.

A bank just got a 50bn bailout for basiically doing nothing but being incompetent and likely actually criminal. The cost of 1 year's student loan debt relief is 30 billion. We've given the Ukraine over 3 times that in a single year. Don't ever let anyone in government tell you they can't afford things, because when it comes to getting paid there's no shortage of cash.

So First Republic bank senior staff performed insider trading in $12 million stock options in the months before the collapse. They were not required to report this, only to FDIC. We should be rewarding such initiative, by giving them even more money to steal.

I started doing some simple yoga to help out with my core strength on the bike, which I discovered is very poor. What I have *also* known but had verified is I have absolutely dreadful posture. It's a real effort to correct a lifetime of slouching.

Absolutely no good can come from teaching financial criminals that it's okay, no matter what you do, you'll be bailed out.

At some point they'll fuck up enough that it will beyond fixing. If I helped myself to my neighbors money and hit the casino I'm pretty sure the result would not be "Oh *you*. Here's a few thousand dollars - do you promise not to do it again?" People need to go to jail for this shit.

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